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Products Offered

Naturally- raised Straight-run Chicks

In the Spring, we offer straight run chicks of various breeds. We will advertise as they become available.  They are raised the same way our layers are.

They are first-come; first-served with a mandatory minimum of two chicks.  Everyone needs a buddy!

Eggs From Naturally-raised Poultry

Our hens are raised naturally and roam our property during the day.   They eat a natural diet supplemented with a natural/organic, soy-free, non-GMO feed. We have heritage breeds and barnyard mixes.  

Plants and Vegetables
These will be advertised as they become available.  All seeds are non-treated heritage and a few hybrid.  
A sample list includes tomatoes, peas, pumpkins, radishes, lettuce, spinach, corn, peanuts, and in the future - fruit. 

Want to know when things become available? Your privacy is important to us.  We do not sell or give away any email addresses.

Baked Goods

.  These are baked under Texas Cottage Food Laws.  We have food handlers' license on file.   You can also look up The Heritage Bakery on Facebook.  We sell cookies, cupcakes, muffins and more. 

Oberhasli Goats

ADGA registered Oberhasli dairy goats.  Future plans include herd shares for goat milk.  We are trying to legally get our ducks in a row. 

Jacob Sheep

Registered Jacob Sheep and wool.   

Thanksgiving Turkeys

Heritage breeds are smaller than commercial meat breeds.  They also cook up a bit differently.  

We have both live and processed available seasonally. Please contact us to get on the list for 2022.  Current pricing is $8/lb.


Horse Boarding

   We have moved and are only offering self-care pasture boarding at this time.  

$150/month - self-care (open pasture with a communal run-in).

$250/month: self-care (includes a personal area, storage and run-in)

$300/month (includes a personal area, storage, run-in and hay)

$400/month (full care)



Emergency boarding (fire, illness, etc.) can be arranged for a fee.  Call to discuss your needs.



Classes, Summer Camps and More!

Coming after we set up infrastructure! 


Planned classes include Fleece to Fiber, Crocheting, Seasonal Cooking,  Herbal Family Care, Natural Livestock Care, and more!  

Camp themes include Little Red Hen, The Wonky Donkey, Farm to Table, Chicks and Salsa (not what you think), Special Needs (caregiver must stay - one day camp), plus more.


Family Fun Nights: Join us for a night of food, friends and frolicking.  No alcohol.  

Farm Days:  The days we open our farm for tours.  

Tent camping:  $25 a night for 4.  Includes a campfire ring and potable water source.  

© 2017-2022  Herut Farm LLC

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